Becoming a Better Listener – Mental Health Awareness Week

In the UK, it is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek.  The Samaritans focus is on helping us to become better listeners and to be open to conversations about mental health and wellbeing.  Here is their S.U.S.H listening infographic – a reminder that even by taking small steps, we can all do something to encourage others to open up and share … More Becoming a Better Listener – Mental Health Awareness Week

Logotherapy & Bipolar Disorder

Logotherapy & Existential Analysis is a meaning-centred form of Psychotherapy that can help those with significant life challenges to reorientate their life in a purposeful direction. Founded by Psychiatrist and Holocaust Survivor, Logotherapy is an internationally recognised therapy that helps individuals to take a positive attitudinal or creative stance to unalterable situations, such as a … More Logotherapy & Bipolar Disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Spreading the Word

The Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK has just produced this excellent short educational animation on bipolar disorder; share it with your friends and family, or anyone else, to help them understand the condition! Have a look at their website too: It contains up-to-date and easily accessible/readable information on bipolar disorder and other conditions.