Visualizing Bipolar…Part 2

Here is my take on visualizing hypomania.  The best way that I can think of explaining what hypomania feels like is by describing it as a firework show in the mind – glorious colours abound, the activity is incessant and beautiful – it literally lights up the darkness.  I guess it looks a lot like … More Visualizing Bipolar…Part 2

Visualizing Bipolar…

Describing what it is like to live with Bipolar Disorder is difficult; language has its obvious limitations and it’s hard to get past the usual descriptors of depression and mania (or hypomania in my case) to really explain what Bipolar feels like. As part of the therapeutic process I’ve been encouraged to describe my condition … More Visualizing Bipolar…

Revisiting Experimental Psychiatry

Pioneering Scots Psychiatrist R.D. Laing was nothing if not innovative.  In the late 1960’s and early 70’s he famously used game theory to investigate family dynamics and their role in the development of serious mental illness, particularly schizophrenia. I came across a 1970’s documentary featuring one of Laing’s experimental community’s, where psychiatrists and psychologists lived … More Revisiting Experimental Psychiatry